I close my eyes

diving deep,

into the world,

my soul asleep.

There She is, waiting for me,

welcoming arms and heart wide open.

Eyes of garnet,

hair like coal,

sapphire skin and teeth of gold.

Come to see me?

She whispers,

teeth shining, eyes bright as stars.

Of course, of course.

Who else?

I want to see you, to know the Abyss,

For you are She that commands it.

Blue against black

Heaven and Earth,

the field behind stars,

The crushing depths of the ocean.

But also, but also,

The gentle moon,

and cheerful sun,

a caress of the cheek

a kiss to the heart.

I wish to see you and so you say

Silly child, of course you can see.

Your eyes are already the moon.

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